27 Apr 07

Jennifer Harman was born into in Reno Nevada and started taking part in poker at an exceedingly young age. She would often observe her dad get defeated in his own poker games. Jennifer sat in for her dad one day and destroyed her competitors. She started playing full time soon after she reached age twenty-one. She continuously moved up the Limit texas hold’em ranks and kept on crushing every player during her climb. Jennifer is a frequent player in the Bellagio’s "The Big Game". The powerful players is composed of: Doyle Brunson, Chip Reese, Johnny Chan, and Phil Ivey. She is thought of as one of the best contenders in the world. She is a frequent player on the game show network on the tv show High Stakes Poker.

She is a Limit texas hold’em and cash game master but participates in tournaments occasionally. She has earned two WSOP bracelets, 1 in Limit Holdem and the other in Deuce-to-7 Draw. Amusingly, she did not even know how to play 2-to-7 Draw. Her reads are obviously so great that she doesn’t even need to understand the game as long as it’s poker. She is a writer sharing her prowess in Limit Holdem.

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