15 Jan 10

On the surface, poker seems to be an easy game like monopoly, scrabble, or computer games. When you really go deep into poker, you notice that it is a lot more than just a game. Poker is a game of saber-rattling and simply the powerful will survive. Once you nail the general structure down for your game, disciplining your feelings is the most crucial part in playing great poker. Anybody can understand the odds, starting hand requirements, and how to take action in various hand circumstances. Only a tiny % of the poker gambling population can hold their feelings when things are going poorly. Gambling well after squandering big pots is the thing that separates amazing players from competent ones. Think about all the things you do in life that follows a similar sequence. When you’re in a poor mood, you have difficulty concentrating on everyday events. When you are aggravated, you have problems contemplating properly. As human beings, we are very emotional when it involves life. Poker is a sport that takes us through the various array of feelings. We have the highest highs after winning a big pot. We have the lowest crash when we are deprived of a huge pot.

Emotional control is an ability that can be mastered by anyone. In any sport, or game, emotional control is the ‘thing’ that creates amazing players. Similar to anything in life, it requires a ton of dedication and experience to control your feelings at the poker game.

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